Learn more about choosing the right rewards credit card or choose from our full selection of credit cards by visiting our credit cards overview page.
Yes. We use Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) technology to ensure your information is passed to us securely. SSL technology is the security standard for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser, ensuring that your data remains private and at minimal risk of external violation.
An offer code is a series of numbers and/or letters that you may have received from Bank of America to access a special offer or promotion. Your offer code is indicated on the communication material you may have received from us. Examples of communications are brochures you may have received on a flight or at an event, a website or magazine ad or a letter received in the mail. You can provide this offer code with your application for a new card or to take advantage of a special promotion or offer on an existing account.
When you submit an application online for one of Bank of America's credit cards, we'll provide you with one of the following responses in as little as 60 seconds after submitting your application:
You can return to a saved application in the Application Center by providing your last name, email address, mother’s maiden name and date of birth.
If your saved application is more than 30 days old, it will expire and you'll need to start a new one. Please note that in the event offers and rates change, a saved application may expire before 30 days. Access your saved application
If you applied for a Bank of America credit card online, you can check the status of your application online. You can also check the status by calling us at 866.422.8089.
You'll receive your card within 10 business days after you're approved. Before you use your new card, you can activate it in one of several ways:
As a federally regulated bank, we are required to know our customers. We ask for your country of citizenship as part of this requirement.