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Elder Financial Care

Financial Care for Older Adults

Prepare for your own or your loved one's financial future

Did you know?

  • According to the Social Security Administration, 10,000 Americans turn 65 each day
  • Caregiving is the "new normal" in families with 1 out of 5 Americans saying they are caregiversadatext
  • 23% of U.S. adults fall into the "sandwich generation" who have elder parents they are caring for as well as kids under 18adatext

How Bank of America can help

As you or the people you care about grow older, you may be concerned about yourself or your loved one's ability to manage finances independently. These tools may help:

  1. Steps you can take to protect yourself and your loved ones by identifying key people. A caregiving designation is more often reactive than proactive.

  2. Bank of America has a variety of resources on Better Money Habits and Merrill focused on financial matters for seniors and caregivers.

  3. Visit Bank of America Security Center to get tips on protecting you and your family from fraud.

These services are available to all our customers and can be appropriately used for a variety of needs, for example: naming a trusted contact could be important to a member of the armed forces who has been recently deployed, or setting up a joint account might be useful if you've recently been married. (If you're a Merrill or Private Bank client and have questions regarding these services and your accounts, please contact your Advisor for assistance).

Additional resources

We've assembled useful resources that can help you guard against elder abuse, assist in caregiving and help protect against fraud. These include:

Need to make changes to an account?

Most account changes require that you schedule an appointment to meet with an associate in one of our financial centers.

Looking for notary services?

Bank of America provides our customers with notary services free of charge in our financial centers nationwide.