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Required Documents: Unincorporated Association

Details you'll need to apply online:

  • Name and address of business
  • Business tax ID number: Business Employer Identification Number (EIN) provided by the IRS in the following 9-digit format XX-XXXXXXX
  • Date business was established (month/year)
  • Country and state of legal formation (must be formed in the US)
  • Country and state of primary business operation (must be a business operating in the US)
  • Personal information (i.e., SSN and DOB) for everyone on the application, including those with at least 25% or more ownership and the controlling manager of the business. Learn more about the additional details we will need for any Beneficial Owners by clicking here.

Additional documents we may request if we're unable to verify on your behalf:

  • One of the following organizing documents. The title of the organizing document will vary by state and may be called:
    • Articles of Association (in states where applicable)
    • Meeting Minutes with the following information:
      • Name of Association/Business
      • Date of meeting (may include time)
      • Who attended
      • Minutes taken during the meeting (what the meeting covered)
      • Amendments to previous meeting minutes
  • If an account is opened and additional documents require a signature, they will be sent to you.

Sending your documents

We need both your application and your required supplemental documents within 11 days to process your application. If we don't receive your documents, your application will be declined and you'll have to apply again.

You'll receive your application ID after you submit your online application. Please include your application ID on the fax cover sheet or in the email subject line.

Fax to 800.435.0051
Or scan and email to

What business owners should know:

  • The primary applicant must be an owner (minimum of 25% ownership in the business) or an authorized officer; additional owners listed on the application will need to have a minimum of 25% ownership
  • Applicants should be U.S. residents (foreign business customers aren't eligible to apply online at this time)
  • Applicants authorize Bank of America to obtain a credit report or other report or account information to help verify application information
  • Online applicants agree to account servicing via electronic communication