When it comes to managing credit card and unsecured personal loan debt, it's good to be proactive. Paying even a small amount above the minimum payment could make a big difference in reducing your credit card balances. It also can help to pay consistently and on time.


You have 5 options for making payments:

1. Online

There are several ways to make payments to your Bank of America credit card in Online Banking. You can go to the Transfers tab and make a transfer from your Bank of America checking or savings account. You can also use our optional Bill Pay service to set up payments from your Bank of America checking or savings account. If you'd like to set up a payment to your Bank of America credit card using another financial institution's checking or money market account, you can also set this up using our optional Bill Pay service.

2. ATM Credit Card Payments

You can make Bank of America credit card payments at our ATMs with only your Bank of America credit card and your check or cash. Simply visit your local Bank of America ATM, insert your credit card and select Make a Payment. Please note that business credit cards are not supported at this time.

3. Pay by phone

If you elect to pay by phone, please call:
Consumer cards: 855.891.3401
Business cards: 888.306.4949

4. Drop off payment

You can make payments at any Bank of America financial center. Find a financial center.

5. Mail payment

To mail us a payment, please use one of the following delivery methods:

Consumer Card payments:
Up-to-date payments:Bank of America
P.O. Box 15019
Wilmington, DE Delaware 19850-5019
Late payments:Bank of America
P.O. Box 15019
Wilmington, DE Delaware 19850-5019
Overnight delivery:Bank of America
Attn: Payment Processing
900 Samoset Drive
Newark, DE Delaware 19713
Money transfer:Western Union® layer

Business Card payments:
All payments:Bank of America Business Card
P.O. Box 15710
Wilmington, DE Delaware 19850-5710